首页 > 下 载 > 《面试官们,我们能不能好好面试产品经理》(28000字)








第一篇... 3

问题1:你为什么想成为一个产品经理?(Why did you want to become a product manager?)    3

问题2:分享一些关于如何改进我们的产品的见解。(Share some insights on how you would improve our product.)... 4

问题3:你如何向一个陌生人解释产品管理?(How would you explain product management to a stranger?)  5

问题4:告诉我你将如何建立一个产品路线图。(Tell me how you would build a product roadmap.)    6

问题5:你曾经构造过的最好的特征是什么,为什么?(What is the best feature you have ever built and why?)... 7

第二篇... 8

问题6:您认为产品管理角色中最枯燥的部分是什么?(What do you consider the least interesting part of the product management role?)... 9

问题7:您会如何决定要构建哪些特征?(How will you decide which features to build?)    10

问题8:让我了解一下,你如何为一个听力受损的人构建一个闹钟。T(ake me through how you would build an alarm clock for someone who is hearing-impaired.)... 11

问题9:瀑布和敏捷方法的区别是什么,您更喜欢哪一种?(What is the difference between waterfall and agile methodologies, and which do you prefer?)... 14

问题10:哪些指标对于跟踪我们的产品是最重要的?(Which metrics will be most important to track for our product?)... 17

第三篇... 19

问题11:你会对我们的网站做些什么来提高转化率吗?(What would you change about our website to improve conversions?)... 19

问题12:告诉我你最近看到的最酷的创新,以及你为什么喜欢它。(Tell me about the coolest innovation you have seen lately and why you like it.)... 23

问题13:你希望在iPhone上看到什么功能?(What feature would you like to see on the iPhone?)    25

问题14:告诉我你将如何与我们的开发团队合作。(Tell me how you would approach working with our development team.)... 27

问题15:今天有多少人从拉瓜迪亚机场起飞?(How many people are flying out of La Guardia Airport today?)... 28

第四篇... 30

问题16:你如何知道产品发布(上市)是否成功?(How do you know if a product launch is successful?)   30

问题17:你是否曾与团队成员有过分歧,结果是什么?(Have you ever had a disagreement with a team member, and what was the outcome?)... 32

问题18:如果我和你的同事谈过,他们会怎么评价你?(If I spoke to your coworkers, what would they say about you?)... 34

问题19:你喜欢和什么样的人一起工作?(What types of people do you like to work with?)    36

问题20:描述一段你使用数据做决策的时间。(Describe a time when you used data to make a decision.)   37

第五篇... 39

问题21:你最大的成就是什么?(What has been your greatest achievement?)... 39

问题22:什么让你真正生气?(What makes you really angry?)... 41

问题23:描述你的一个失败。如果有机会,你会如何避免这个失败?(Describe one of your failures. What would you do differently, given the chance?)... 43

问题24:你在什么上是充满热情的?(What are you most passionate about?)... 45

问题25:你为什么想在这里工作?(Why do you want to work here?) 


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